
Tom Wong

He, Him, His
MEng Student
ECE, UWaterloo

Personal Projects


  • Developed a local LLM application that works just like ChatGPT, based on the HuggingFace embedding model , LongChain, Python, and Ollama (LLama3).
  • Allow users to upload files and ask different questions including but not limited to the file information and the general question.
  • GitHub Repository

Picture Wall

  • Developed Picture Wall, a React and Java Spring Boot-based Restful web application.
  • Allow the browser to act as the gallery to randomly display the picture you took.
  • GitHub Repository


  • Developed and deployed RoastHub, a React and Java Spring Boot-based Restful web application, on AWS EC2 instance with self-configured Nginx.
  • Implemented an efficient and secure framework with MyBatis Plus in Dockerized MySQL, managed input file data in MongoDB container, cashed user info in JWT and viewed contents in Redis container; integrated RabbitMQ and Javax Mail for effective user notification, improving engagement metric
  • Established a full stack CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins & Vercel, validated backend API with JUnit and Mockito ensured code functionalit
  • GitHub Repository


  • Developed a weather application using Vanilla JavaScript for streamlined and efficient functionality.
  • Enabled a feature allowing users to input a city name, which then displays the corresponding weather information for that location, enhancing user interaction and personalization.
  • Utilized the Fetch API in conjunction with OpenWeather to asynchronously send requests and retrieve weather data, ensuring efficient and real-time weather information access.
  • Implemented store and refresh methods to store user inputs and set up an automatic refresh every minute to update and display the latest weather status, ensuring continuous and up-to-date information delivery.
  • Project Live Show


  • FoodLover is a local Flask, MongoDB, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JS, Docker Compose website, designed for storing, managing and sharing user food recipes.
  • Implemented 9 RESTful APIs on Flask to facilitate seamless interaction with the application's backend services.
  • Stored user information on MySQL database with MD5, stored the user input files on the mongdb.
  • Deployed the project on OpenShift, implementing auto-scaling of pods based on historical request traffic using an LSTM algorithm.
  • Conducted comprehensive testing, including black box testing, white box testing, and API testing using Postman, achieving a robust test coverage of 90%.
  • Git Repository

Personal Blog

  • Developed a personal blog web application using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, MySQL, Redis, MyBatis & Maven, enabling seamless user registration, login, and content creation.
  • Implemented hot tag, hot article, latest articles, and article classification features, driving a 20% increase in user engagement and interaction through the seamless integration of 15 Restful APIs.
  • Ensured the security of user sessions by employing JWT and Redis to validate and manage session information, enhancing the application's overall performance and user experience.
  • Git Repository

Beauty Camera

  • Spearheaded the development of an advanced Android smart camera application, harnessing the power of TensorFlow Lite models and OpenCV to enable real-time object detection, face detection, background replacement, image super-resolution, style transformation, and portrait keying.
  • Designed the application architecture following the MVC design pattern, ensuring maintainability and scalability for future enhancements.
  • Significantly optimized the application's performance by implementing NNAPI (Neural Networks API) for image inference, resulting in a remarkable 50% reduction in processing time, delivering a smoother and more responsive user experience.
  • Implemented secure user data storage solutions, utilizing Shared Preferences and SQLite, to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of user information and assets.
  • Git Release

Recipe Sharing Website

  • Developed a recipe sharing web application using Python, Flask, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Docker, hosted on AWS, allowing multiple users to easily upload and share their recipes for reference.
  • Implemented 6 RESTful APIs on AWS Lambda to facilitate seamless interaction with the application's backend services.
  • Ensured the security of module processing and data transmission by configuring AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), Secret Manager, and API Gateway.
  • Conducted comprehensive testing, including black box testing, white box testing, and API testing using Postman, achieving a robust test coverage of 90%.
  • Git Repository

Athlete Monitor Application

  • Collaborated with a team of four members to develop an Android fitness application based on agile development principles that allow users to register to the system, communicate with others, and record their training history.
  • Applied the OkHttp, AES-128, and Firebase to perform the network interaction, data encryption, and data storage.
  • Conducted unit tests using JUnit and UI tests with Espresso Test, reaching the coverage of 85%.
  • Git Repository